Joined Arm The Pit
July 12, 2015
Hometown: Charleston, West Virginia
Genre: Rock
Record Label: ATP Records
Band Members
Johnny JMFC Compton- Guitar and Vocals
Roz Triplesix- Lead Vocals
Steve Kelly- Guitar and Vocals
Dave Manns- Bass and Vocals
Mike Vandergriff- Drums
Johnny Compton

PrankMonkey began as a group of musicians thrown together by Johnny Compton and Mike Vandergriff to host an Jam Night, but as time went on, they added Dave Manns on Bass, Roz Triplesixx on Vocals and started a rigorous touring schedule. With the addition of the amazing Steve Kelly on Guitar and Vocals, the lineup was complete. The band is currently gigging hard and writing songs for their debut release. With a cover set of songs that range from Charlie Daniels Band to never know whats coming next!






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